OKANUME, Henry Chinedu
henryokanume@gmail.com Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
talk2chelionj@gmail.com Department of Science and Technology Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
OGBU, Michael Tochukwu
ogbutochukwu7@gmail.com Department of Art Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
The study of biology plays a crucial role in scientific and technological advancement of a nation. To achieve this, students must have a strong knowledge of biological concepts and as well develop a positive attitude towards the subject. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of flipped learning instructional strategy on the achievement and attitude towards biology concepts among pre-service teachers at Anambra State, Nigeria. It also examined the moderating effect of gender on the attitude and achievement. The study adopted a pretest, posttest non-randomized control group quasi-experimental research design with a 2×2×2 factorial matrix, with a sample of 150 intact classes (70 males and 80 females). The validated instruments used for data collection were Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and Questionnaire on Students’ Attitude to Biology (QSAB). The reliability of the instruments were established using Kuder Richardson 20 and Cronbach Alpha which yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.79 and 0.96 respectively. The treatment material was Flipped Learning Instructional Package (FLIP) which contains biology lesson while the control group were exposed to Conventional Lecture Method (CLM). Data obtained were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that flipped learning Instructional strategy significantly improved students’ academic achievement and attitude towards biology. However, gender did not significantly affect pre-service teachers’ achievement and attitude towards biology. The study concluded that flipped learning instructional strategy is an effective instructional strategy for teaching biology concepts, particularly at tertiary academic level and other science-related concepts, as it creates room for collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. It was recommended that educators should adopt flipped learning strategy in teaching of biology concepts.
Achufusi, J.N. & Ezenduka, C.U. (2017). Improvisation as a strategy for improving senior secondary school biology curriculum delivery in private schools within Awka town. Journal of Science Education, 13(1), 221-228.
Ajemba, H.E., Foluke. A. A. Ogunide, N.J. & Olatunde-Aiyedun, T.G. (2021). Problems Facing Science Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Nigeria and Way Forward. International Journal of Applied Sciences.1 (50), 118-127 online: https://creativecommon.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Aaron Taylor, 2017. Flipping Great or Flipping Useless? A Review of the Flipped Classroom Experiment at Coventry University, London Campus. Journal of Pedagogical Development. 5(3), 57-65.
Baba, G.I. (2017). The Role and Challenges of Chemistry Education in Small and Medium Scale Industries for Science and Technology Education for the Development of Sustainable Society in Nigeria. Being a paper presented at 2nd National Science Education Conference held at Saadatu Rimi College of Education Kumbotso, Kano, on 31st of October-3rd November, 5(22), 34-251.
Darling-Hammond, L., Lisa, F., Chana, C., Brigid, B. & David, O. (2020). Implications for Science, 24(2), 97-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2018.1537791
Dorji, S. & Dorji, K. (2022). Flipped classroom in teaching biology, assessing students’ academic achievement in Tang Central School, Bumthang district. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basic Subjects, 2 (2), 1-8.
Ekineh, D. & Adolphus, T. (2019.) Influence of Gender on Students’ Performance in Biology When Taught Reproduction Using Collaborative Strategy in Secondary Schools in Rivers State. River State University Journal of Education (RSUJOE), 22 (2), 62-73.
Etobro, A. B. & Fabinu, O. E., (2017). Students’ Perception to Difficult Concepts in Biology in Senior Secondary Schools in Lagos State. Global Journal of Educational Research, 16(2), 139-148. https://doi.org/10.4314/giedr.vi6i2.8
Gambari, A. I., Ajanaku, A. & Abraham, A. (2019). Development and assessment of gamification instructional package on Genetic concepts for senior secondary school achievement and gender in Minna, Nigeria. Journal for Association for Innovative Technology Integration in Education (AITIE) 8(2), 244-249.
Gunduz, A.Y. & Akkoyunlu, B., (2020). Effectiveness of Gamification in Flipped Learning. SAGE open, 10(4), 37. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244020979837
Hassan, P.E.E. 2020. The effect of e-program based on flipped learning on academic achievement for basic eight grade students in Khartoum state and their attitude towards it. IJRDO- Journal of Educational Research, 5(6), 1-11.
Jung, A., Ann, J. & Park, K.H. 2018. Analysis of satisfaction and academic achievement of medical school students in a flipped classroom. Korean journal of Medical Education, 30:101-116.
Jean, E. & Floriene, H. (2021). Factors Contributing to Students’ Poor Performance in Biology Subject: A case study of ordinary level in rural secondary schools of Rawamagana District. GSC. Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15(3), 249-261.
Mai, M.Y., Yusuf, M. & Saleh, M. (2023). Motivation and engagement as a predictor of students’ science achievement and satisfaction of Malaysian Secondary School students. European Journal of Education, 6(2), 96-107. ISSN 2601-8624 (online).
https:// doi.org/10.2478/ejed-2023-0019
Makarova, E., Aeschlimann. B. & Walter, H. (2019). The gender gap in STEM fields. The impact of gender stereotype of math and science on secondary school students’ career aspiration. Journal of Education Psychology, 4(60), 33-43.
Nalevska, G.P., & Kuzmanovska, M. (2020). Teaching methods as a factor of students learning motivation. Journal of Educational Research, 2 (3), 40-50.
Ndayambaje, J. B, Bikorimana.E, E. & Nsanganwimana, F. (2021). Factors Contributing to the Students Poor Performance in Biology Subject: A Case Study of Ordinary Level in Rural Secondary Schools of Rawamagana Districts, GSC, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Journal of Biological Sciences, 15(3), 249-261.
Ndirika, M.C. 2021. Extent of usage of blended learning for teaching and learning of biology in secondary school in Abia State, Nigeria. Journal of the Nigerian Academy of Education, 14(1), 33-41.
Nja, C.O., Orim, R. E., Neji, H. A, Ukwentang, J.O. & Ideba, M.A. (2022). Students Attitude and Academic Achievement in a Flipped Classroom. Heliyon, 8:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.eo8792
Nwakonobi, F. & Igboabuchi, (2016). Realizing the vision of National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Implication for Biology Education. Journal of Science Education, 8(1), 58-68.
Okanume, H.C. (2024). Effect of Gamified Flipped Instructional Strategy on the Achievement and Attitude towards Biology Concepts among Pre-service Teachers at Nsugbe, Anambra State. An Unpublished M.Ed. Project, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1-140.
Okoye, P.C., Nwagu, A.C., Abraham-Ibe, I.G. (2018). Perception of Pre-service Teachers on the use of Blended Learning Techniques in Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, Anambra State. International Journal of Educational Research. 5(1), 59-68.
Park, K.H., & Chae, S.J. (2018). Experiences of Medical Teachers in Flipped Learning for Medical Students: A phenomenological study. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 30: 91-100. Doi: 10.3946/kjme.2018.84.
Riedl, A., Yeung, Fan, & Burke, T. (2021). Implementation of a flipped active –learning approach in a community college general biology course, improved students’ performance in subsequent biology courses. Journal of Life Sciences Education, 20(2),1-9. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.20-07-0156.
Sallau, I.A., Bello, B.A., & Sani Yau. (2018). Biology Education a Panacea for Sustainable National Development. Frontier in Environmental Microbiology, 4(2), 71-74.
Shujan, B, 2022. Strategies for the Improvement of Academic Performance of Students. In H.I. Dike, & I. M. Aminigo (Eds.) Teaching Practice Guidebook, University of Port Harcourt Press, 231-247.
Seggie, M, & Oguzi, B. 2021. Use of Flipped Classroom for the development of autonomy and critical thinking. International Journal of Humanistic Review, 12(3), 11-23.
Tugba, T., Ali, A., & Basturk, K. (2018). Examination of Pre-service Biology Teachers’ Knowledge Levels and Knowledge Source about Genetic Materials and Molecular Biology. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 5(5), 1962-1973. https://doi.org/10.26450/jshsr.565
Turan, Z., Akdag-Cimen, B. 2020. Flipped Classroom in English language: A Systematic review. Comput. Assisted Language Learning, 35:590-606. Doi:10.1080/09588221.2019.1584117
Yilmaz, R.M., & Baydas, O. (2017). An examination of undergraduates’ metacognitive strategies in pre-class asynchronous activity in a flipped classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65: 1547-1567. Doi: 10.1007/SII423-017-9534-1
Ajemba, H.E., Foluke. A. A. Ogunide, N.J. & Olatunde-Aiyedun, T.G. (2021). Problems Facing Science Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Nigeria and Way Forward. International Journal of Applied Sciences.1 (50), 118-127 online: https://creativecommon.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Aaron Taylor, 2017. Flipping Great or Flipping Useless? A Review of the Flipped Classroom Experiment at Coventry University, London Campus. Journal of Pedagogical Development. 5(3), 57-65.
Baba, G.I. (2017). The Role and Challenges of Chemistry Education in Small and Medium Scale Industries for Science and Technology Education for the Development of Sustainable Society in Nigeria. Being a paper presented at 2nd National Science Education Conference held at Saadatu Rimi College of Education Kumbotso, Kano, on 31st of October-3rd November, 5(22), 34-251.
Darling-Hammond, L., Lisa, F., Chana, C., Brigid, B. & David, O. (2020). Implications for Science, 24(2), 97-140. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2018.1537791
Dorji, S. & Dorji, K. (2022). Flipped classroom in teaching biology, assessing students’ academic achievement in Tang Central School, Bumthang district. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basic Subjects, 2 (2), 1-8.
Ekineh, D. & Adolphus, T. (2019.) Influence of Gender on Students’ Performance in Biology When Taught Reproduction Using Collaborative Strategy in Secondary Schools in Rivers State. River State University Journal of Education (RSUJOE), 22 (2), 62-73.
Etobro, A. B. & Fabinu, O. E., (2017). Students’ Perception to Difficult Concepts in Biology in Senior Secondary Schools in Lagos State. Global Journal of Educational Research, 16(2), 139-148. https://doi.org/10.4314/giedr.vi6i2.8
Gambari, A. I., Ajanaku, A. & Abraham, A. (2019). Development and assessment of gamification instructional package on Genetic concepts for senior secondary school achievement and gender in Minna, Nigeria. Journal for Association for Innovative Technology Integration in Education (AITIE) 8(2), 244-249.
Gunduz, A.Y. & Akkoyunlu, B., (2020). Effectiveness of Gamification in Flipped Learning. SAGE open, 10(4), 37. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244020979837
Hassan, P.E.E. 2020. The effect of e-program based on flipped learning on academic achievement for basic eight grade students in Khartoum state and their attitude towards it. IJRDO- Journal of Educational Research, 5(6), 1-11.
Jung, A., Ann, J. & Park, K.H. 2018. Analysis of satisfaction and academic achievement of medical school students in a flipped classroom. Korean journal of Medical Education, 30:101-116.
Jean, E. & Floriene, H. (2021). Factors Contributing to Students’ Poor Performance in Biology Subject: A case study of ordinary level in rural secondary schools of Rawamagana District. GSC. Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 15(3), 249-261.
Mai, M.Y., Yusuf, M. & Saleh, M. (2023). Motivation and engagement as a predictor of students’ science achievement and satisfaction of Malaysian Secondary School students. European Journal of Education, 6(2), 96-107. ISSN 2601-8624 (online).
https:// doi.org/10.2478/ejed-2023-0019
Makarova, E., Aeschlimann. B. & Walter, H. (2019). The gender gap in STEM fields. The impact of gender stereotype of math and science on secondary school students’ career aspiration. Journal of Education Psychology, 4(60), 33-43.
Nalevska, G.P., & Kuzmanovska, M. (2020). Teaching methods as a factor of students learning motivation. Journal of Educational Research, 2 (3), 40-50.
Ndayambaje, J. B, Bikorimana.E, E. & Nsanganwimana, F. (2021). Factors Contributing to the Students Poor Performance in Biology Subject: A Case Study of Ordinary Level in Rural Secondary Schools of Rawamagana Districts, GSC, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Journal of Biological Sciences, 15(3), 249-261.
Ndirika, M.C. 2021. Extent of usage of blended learning for teaching and learning of biology in secondary school in Abia State, Nigeria. Journal of the Nigerian Academy of Education, 14(1), 33-41.
Nja, C.O., Orim, R. E., Neji, H. A, Ukwentang, J.O. & Ideba, M.A. (2022). Students Attitude and Academic Achievement in a Flipped Classroom. Heliyon, 8:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.eo8792
Nwakonobi, F. & Igboabuchi, (2016). Realizing the vision of National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Implication for Biology Education. Journal of Science Education, 8(1), 58-68.
Okanume, H.C. (2024). Effect of Gamified Flipped Instructional Strategy on the Achievement and Attitude towards Biology Concepts among Pre-service Teachers at Nsugbe, Anambra State. An Unpublished M.Ed. Project, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1-140.
Okoye, P.C., Nwagu, A.C., Abraham-Ibe, I.G. (2018). Perception of Pre-service Teachers on the use of Blended Learning Techniques in Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, Anambra State. International Journal of Educational Research. 5(1), 59-68.
Park, K.H., & Chae, S.J. (2018). Experiences of Medical Teachers in Flipped Learning for Medical Students: A phenomenological study. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 30: 91-100. Doi: 10.3946/kjme.2018.84.
Riedl, A., Yeung, Fan, & Burke, T. (2021). Implementation of a flipped active –learning approach in a community college general biology course, improved students’ performance in subsequent biology courses. Journal of Life Sciences Education, 20(2),1-9. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.20-07-0156.
Sallau, I.A., Bello, B.A., & Sani Yau. (2018). Biology Education a Panacea for Sustainable National Development. Frontier in Environmental Microbiology, 4(2), 71-74.
Shujan, B, 2022. Strategies for the Improvement of Academic Performance of Students. In H.I. Dike, & I. M. Aminigo (Eds.) Teaching Practice Guidebook, University of Port Harcourt Press, 231-247.
Seggie, M, & Oguzi, B. 2021. Use of Flipped Classroom for the development of autonomy and critical thinking. International Journal of Humanistic Review, 12(3), 11-23.
Tugba, T., Ali, A., & Basturk, K. (2018). Examination of Pre-service Biology Teachers’ Knowledge Levels and Knowledge Source about Genetic Materials and Molecular Biology. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 5(5), 1962-1973. https://doi.org/10.26450/jshsr.565
Turan, Z., Akdag-Cimen, B. 2020. Flipped Classroom in English language: A Systematic review. Comput. Assisted Language Learning, 35:590-606. Doi:10.1080/09588221.2019.1584117
Yilmaz, R.M., & Baydas, O. (2017). An examination of undergraduates’ metacognitive strategies in pre-class asynchronous activity in a flipped classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65: 1547-1567. Doi: 10.1007/SII423-017-9534-1