UNIZIK JOURNAL OF EDUCATION GRADUATE Volume:9/ISSN: 2384-6143 Faculty of Education Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka
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Volume: 9


Obialor, Chris Okwuchukwu

+2348037328449 co.obialor Department of Science Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria

Chukwudiebube, C. Beautiful

Department of Biology Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria.

Ugwuibe, V. Ngozichukwu

Department of Biology Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria.

Ezenwobodo, Chidimma Adaeze

+2347035002147 Department of Biology Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria.

This study investigated pre-service Biology teachers’ evaluation of their lecturers’ teaching effectiveness in biology courses in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Three research questions guided the study. The population of the study comprised 99 fourth year (400 level) students of department of Science Education. There was no sampling because the population is of manageable size. The instrument for data collection was Evaluation of Teaching by Students Questionnaire (ETSQ) adapted from National University Commission (NUC, 2008) which was validated by two experts from the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The reliability of the instrument was obtained using Cronbach alpha which yielded the coefficient value of 0.89. Data used for the study were collected through online form link. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings of this study revealed that pre-service Biology teachers rated their lecturers as being effective though the result also revealed that lecturers are not very punctual to class and do not give feedback on tests given. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that administrators of Nigeria universities should encourage a system of peer observations where biology lecturers can observe and provide constructive feedback to their colleagues in order to foster a culture of continuous improvement and collaborative learning. The faculty should also develop a structured feedback system that includes input from both lecturers and students.
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List of Publications

UNIZIK JOURNAL OF EDUCATION GRADUATE(UJEG) Volume 8 (2384-6143) Volume 9 (2384-6143)